Caregivers Newsletter
Volume 1, Issue 1
April is stress awareness month. We all know some stress is good for us. For seniors, stress can be overwhelming. Contributing factors to senior stress can be loss of a spouse or friend., living alone can increase isolation. This stress can intensify health conditions causing additional worries.
Here are 5 common signs of stress in Seniors:
1. Changes in eating habits, over-eating or loss of appetite
2. Mood swings and increased irritability, general sadness or depression
3. Seniors often isolate themselves from others.
4. Physical signs of stress can be body aches and pains or increased episodes of illness. Changes in sleeping patterns whether falling asleep or interrupted nighttime sleep.
5. Memory lapses may arise in the form of increased forgetfulness of names, places, or other things that typically come naturally. Lack of Concentration, poor judgment such as excessive spending.
Tips for Alleviating Stress:
Do some physical activity. Yoga, tai chi, exercises designed for seniors, or simply take a walk this can alleviate the effects of stress.
Meditation can also be beneficial, taking time out to collect your thoughts can lead to increased energy.
Healthy eating and getting a good night’s sleep are great stress busters. Cells are regenerated and harmful invaders are destroyed while we sleep.
Get a pet. Science shows us that the unconditional love that pets exhibit helps us to naturally de-stress with powerful effects of lowering our blood pressure.
Find a new purpose to fill your time: volunteer, senior activities, a class.
Socialize—socialization offers a chance to clear the mind of daily responsibilities.
Seek Professional help; many communities have special services for the elderly.
Caregiver New Online University
Stay in touch with continuing education through our on line university on our website. We will be giving incentives for those who continue education through this site…. Stay tuned for more information on this….
Home Careolina
If you have an active senior ;bring them out to the Fun and Fitness Day at Jetton Park, April 15th from 9:00-11:00am. We will have a booth set up. Come by and let your senior get a chair massage by our office staff ,licensed massage therapist, Ina Salber.
Note: check out our new video on the front page of
We at Home Careolina take pride in our caregivers. Our clients have entrusted us into their hearts and homes. Although we can get very attached, we still must remain professional and ethical at all times. Remember you are caring for someone’s loved one. We truly are the eyes and ears for our clients.
We are available 24/7, (704-892-0030) for our clients if an emergency arises, but please be mindful, if you must call after office hours that it is truly an emergency. Our staff works hard to meet our client needs and yours, but they also have families to tend too. Thank you for understanding.
Caregiver tip:
“Laughter truly is the best medicine.” Recharge yourself with making yourself laugh, or watch a funny movie, comedy show, or call a friend that makes you laugh, find humor in every day situations
Thank you for all you do for Home Careolina, we strive to be the number one senior choice for home care. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call on us. 704-892-0030
Thanks again,
Mary, Ina, Paula, and Judy