Got a zero?
Sit back and relax, your loved one can probably take care of you!
If you scored above 0,
then there is at least one thing our amazing staff can do to make you or your loved one’s life a little easier.
If you scored between 10 and 26,
you or your loved one is a perfect candidate for in-home care! It can be tough dealing with the changes of age, but that’s what we are here for!
If you scored 27 or higher,
there is much we can do to help, and we would truly love to! However, a trip to a primary care physician may be in order first, if one has not been made recently.
If you found yourself answering yes to most or many of these questions, your loved one may simply be getting old, but there is also a distinct possibility that your loved one is suffering from a progressive illness, such as dementia. If these questions have not been discussed recently with your loved one’s doctor, we recommend going in for a check-up, just to be safe.